When you buy a used vehicle, you may wonder what your options are for financing. In general, you’re likely to need an auto loan to purchase a used car, truck, or SUV. Although you could pay fully in cash, if you want to do so. Either way, we’ll work with you to put together the right payment plan for your lifestyle.
Our finance center will help you find the perfect payment plan for you and your family. We’ll take into account your budgetary requirements. Then, we’ll reach out to our network of banks and lenders to put together the best payment plan for all parties involved.
Now that you’ve picked out your next car, what should you do with your current car, truck, or SUV? Well, you have two main options—selling or trading. You can sell your car privately and shoulder the work of advertising and meeting with buyers on your own. You could sell it to us and we’ll take care of all that work for you.
Your other option is trading your vehicle. Instead of cutting you a check for your current vehicle, we’ll put the value of it toward the down payment on your next one. This is a great option, as you’re likely to get more value from it than by selling your vehicle outright.