Trade vs Sell
When you decide to get a new car, it can be an exciting time. But what about when you have an existing vehicle that you no longer need? What can you do?
Here at Unicars Honda, we are proud to present a couple of solutions. You can choose to trade or sell your vehicle, and do it right here at our dealership. Continue reading below to learn more about the differences between the trade vs. sell methods and how our dealership is helping drivers near Indio, Coachella Valley, and Cathedral City, CA.
Benefits of Trading  
Benefits of Trading Your Vehicle

When you choose a trade-in, you are choosing to use the value your vehicle can provide to help you as payment towards your next purchase. During a trade-in, our dealership will evaluate your vehicle to determine the value and then apply it to your next purchase in a seamless process that gets you on your way in the new ride you want.

A trade-in is the advised method for drivers who are ready to buy. If you have your eye on a vehicle that you want or discover a vehicle that could be beneficial to you, it can be best to explore the trade-in possibility.

Benefits of Selling  
Benefits of Selling Your Vehicle

When you decide to sell your vehicle, you most likely do not have an immediate need for a new vehicle. Whether you decide to sell for funds for another project or just plan on saving for your next vehicle, this can be an easy way to take care of your existing ride and get the value you deserve.

One of the benefits of selling to a dealership is that everything is easily handled. Because you choose to work with a dealership, we handle everything with the resale, so you don’t have to have a buyer lined up as with a private sale. You can bring your vehicle to our dealership and leave with the value returned to you on the same day.

Preparing Your Vehicle for a Trade or Sale
If you are considering selling or trading your vehicle, you want to make your vehicle as presentable as possible to help potentially maximize the value you can get in return. There are steps you can take to help with this.
Make sure the vehicle is cleaned inside and out and check for any exterior damage. Any noticeable blemishes, dents, or scratches should be addressed as best as possible before your sale or trade.
You also want to make sure that the vehicle functions well. To ensure this before the dealership evaluates the vehicle, have it inspected by a local mechanic to make sure no significant repairs are needed.
Preparing Your Vehicle for a Trade or Sale
Sell or Trade Your Car with Us
Here at Unicars Honda, we are here to help you see the benefits of trade vs. sell and how we can help. We want you to get the value you deserve for your existing vehicle as you make the decision on moving forward with a new ride or apply the funds elsewhere.
If you are a driver near Indio, Coachella Valley, and Cathedral City, California, and ready to take this step, contact us today or visit us to get started.

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78970 Varner Rd, Indio, CA, 92203
Unicars Honda 33.757824591335705, -116.28942510362035.