If you’re considering a Honda Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle, Honda Care© Certified Additional Coverage is a smart option. Even though Honda is known for its long-term reliability, it’s good to know that you have the extra measure of protection for your investment.
This is intended to provide an overview of coverages and benefits. Actual coverages, limitations and exclusions may vary. See your Service Contract and CCMC Membership Guidelines and/or Emergency Roadside Assistance Guidelines for complete details.
These benefits are provided by Cross Country Motor Club, Inc., except in Florida, where they are provided by American Honda Service Contract Corporation, and in AK, CA, HI, OR, WI and WY, where they are provided by Cross Country Motor Club of California, Inc. In California, Trip-Interruption Reimbursement is provided by American Honda Protection Products Corporation.
Concierge Service is not available in Florida.